I think you’re a VIP – Whole Food Detox Giveaway & Discount!

Do you feel not quite right? Do you have a nagging suspicion you could be eating better and living better? Do you think that kind of life is just for VIPs and celebrities?


I’m here to tell you it’s not. But if you don’t believe me I’m also here to tell you that I that YOU are a VIP!

To show you I’m giving away a 14 day Whole Food Detox from Team J+A. The value of the course is $247!

The 14-day Whole Food Detox, created by two holistic nutrition coaches, goes beyond generic programs and generic results.

Unlike other cleanses and detoxes, this program is designed to help you reach your goalsandsatisfy your taste buds.

With an emphasis on pleasure and nourishment rather than deprivation and restriction, this is a detox meant to permanently shift your experience.

I’ve done this detox. Twice! My mom has done this detox and it has completely changed her life. I love it and I believe in it. I may even do it again with you guys. I may or may not have indulged a bit too much on our awesome summer vacation ;-)

AND because I love you guys so much I also have a discount code for you! So if you don’t win you can use the code VIP when you check out here to get 15% off your Detox. The next detox starts on September 14th and registration closes on the 10th! So start thinking hard about how you want to change your life and how it could start with this!

Want to join me?

  • Do you feel bloated and uncomfortable?
  • Are you obsessed with calorie counting?
  • Consumed by food stress?
  • Moody?

Go on now start feeling good…

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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My new favorite snack – Chocolate Candy Sunflower Seeds

This was meant to be  Wordless Wednesday of sorts but I just have to speak!

I still love my roasted chickpeas, but for a sweet treat? A chocolate treat? I love these little bits of yum so much. And all natural?! Well, I don’t know how all natural gelatin is, maybe someone else can speak to that. But no artificial colors or flavors. Yes please.

Behold the Chocolate candy covered sunflower seed!
Trader Joe’s makes them as well, but they are not quite as yummy as these ones from my local favorite, Russo’s. So if you’re local that’s where you should head. (Their hummus is the best around as well, imho ;-)

Snack on.

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Why we are a CSA kinda family.

We missed the signup for the CSA last year and we were pretty bummed. So when the email came in…I was ON IT! Basically I bought all of our vegetables that we’ll be eating this summer in January. Bizarro, right?

I had my doubts about a CSA at first. It felt slighty elitist is a strange way. Well, not so strange because it’s not cheap. Also, our CSA is located in a very wealthy town. “Going off to Weston to pick up our expensive organic vegetables that someone picked just for us dahling. Ta ta!” is how it felt, at first.

Then the vegetables came in to the house and it was overwhelming. Some I’d never heard of. Others I was sure I didn’t like. I had to wash it all. I had to put it away and organize it so it wouldn’t go to waste. It took some doing.

But then some weird things started happening. My daughter started to ask “When are we going to the farm, mama?” My oldest son would ask “What week will the ‘zipper peas’ be ready to pick?”.  My youngest son, who was always napping the first year would whine “Why don’t IIIIIIIIIIIIII get to go the faaaaaaaaarm?”

They wanted to go. They wanted to pick. They want to play in the fields. They wanted to talk about the farm and the vegetables and the flowers and the animals. So much of what our kids learn doesn’t come from a lesson at school, but experiences outside the classroom. Shared experiences with siblings about weird vegetables and honey bees. Lessons from mom about how she learned to pick cucumbers from Papa when she was little.


My Dad was an organic farmer way before Whole Foods was around. We would eat the beans right off the plant when were kids. That garden was our playground. It wasn’t huge mind you, but the yield was enough for all of us and some of the neighbors. I can’t recreate that in the postage stamp of a yard I have now, but I can take them to a farm every week.

Then, more weird things. All those vegetables that at first I was like “Aw, hell no!” Well now they have a place at our table all summer. I figured it out! The farm helps with tastings at pick up. Those tasting helped the kids to like both cabbage and radishes.

Here’s the thing about a CSA to all those who would say “you can just by those vegetables at the grocery store you know.” Yes, I know.

But I wouldn’t. I really wouldn’t. And neither would you if you’re honest. Would you really walk in to the grocery store and say “Hey – I think I’ll buy some Tatsoi today.” No, no you wouldn’t.

Also I did the math, it works out to be about the same as buying it at the market. But you get so. much. more. Because of my experiences with the Four Hour Body and a Whole Food Detox, we have been trying to eat a more whole food diet in our house. And then there’s pesticides, and Monsanto, and being able to eat LOCAL. A CSA just makes sense, for us.

Now we have not one, but two, spaces planted in our tiny yard. One for vegetables and one for flowers. We may not get anything to put on the table out of them, but the kids couldn’t be happier tending to them. My son won’t eat chicken nuggets, but he will eat cole slaw. So there’s that too.

My youngest finally gets to go the the faaaaaaaaaarm this year. I can’t wait to see what his siblings show him and what he discovers there!


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Sriracha Deviled Eggs


Sriracha Deviled Eggs

6 Hard Boiled Eggs
1 TBSP Sriracha
2TBSP Organic Mayo
1TSP lime juice
1TBSP Cilantro
pinch of salt

As with many recipes all of this is to taste. Especially the Sriracha. Go easy or go big. You decide.

Everything you ever needed to know about hard boiled eggs is in this Food Lab article. Summed up nicely with  – Start with old eggs (not outdated, just not the ones you just took from under mother hen), cook them hot (but skip the pressure cooker – who would do that?), chill them rapidly and completely, crack all over, and peel under running water.

Yes, I realize the mayo is missing form this pic. Nothing more unappetizing than a blob of mayo, so…

Mix it. Mix it real good. I don’t like lumps.

IMG_3805So pretty. AND YUMMY.



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Joyce Chen Spiral Slicer Zucchasta! Zucchini Pasta

We’re calling it Zucchasta! Yeah we know it’s weird, if it makes them eat it I’ll call it whatever they want.

Since doing the Whole Food Detox I’ve really been adding more and more, well, whole foods into our diet here in the little purple house. My oldest doesn’t love past but loves vegetables. Middles loves pasta, not so much vegetables.The littlest doesn’t like anything. I’m not even kidding.

So I figured two out three isn’t so bad so I took a chance. To try to achieve this culinary coup we’ll be using the Joyce Chen Spiral Slicer.


Turns out …

they liked it. They didn’t love it. But they’ll definitely eat it again. The Joyce Chen spiral Slicer made it easy.

After slicing it all up I put it in a salad spinner to get some of the excess water out. Then I tossed it with some salt and pepper and popped it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. I just wanted to warm it and soften it up a little bit. Topped it with some warm marinara and we were good to go!

Zucchini Pasta
While the spiral slicer is nice, you have to have a certain size and shape zucchini to fit in that thing. It also brings the seeds along with it. You have to pick those out. For the couple of times a month (or more ) I may use this I think it’s a fine little piece of plastic.

Although this might do the job too…and it fits in a drawer ;-)

Disclosure – those are affiliate links up there for the slicers :-)

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The End of Detox – Whole Food Living

My 14 day Whole Food Detox ended on Sunday. I had a latte, drank some wine, and ate some chips and salsa! It was lovely.

I had a day or two off, but now it seems I’m back to eating most of the same foods I had been eating for the past two weeks on the detox. I had quinoa with cilantro, lime and avocado for dinner because I can’t get enough of it.

My very basic takeaways from the past two weeks are eat whole foods, be kind to you body, and don’t eat crap. Pretty simple really. And now I think it’s going to become a very big part of the way we eat and live.

Here’s the vlog…

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