The non crafty mama get her sailboat on.

Again, I don’t think I can take credit for this one either. I don’t know if I saw it somewhere or if it just came to me in a vision as I was looking at yet another egg carton in the recylcle bin.

You’ll need:
egg carton
construction paper




I know most sites would give you detailed directions, but um…

Cut the carton and then cut the paper. Glue the paper onto the carton. Oh have the kids decorate the paper first :-)

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Super Secret Surprise Craft Boxes

Yeah I’m surprised too. Surprised that we made these, that we use them and that it’s me writing this post :-)

This is the craft that keeps on giving! It won’t just gather dust somewhere on a shelf. You’ll actually use it. I love it becasue the craft has to stay small to fit inside the box.  And for the kids it’s like opening up a present every time!

I have no idea where I got this idea from, so I can’t credit anyone. These cereal boxes have been sitting in the pantry for ages just waiting to become the super secret surprise craft box is all I know.

And in true non crafty mama form – they are super easy to make.
You’ll need:
Cereal boxes
Paper bags
Markers & crayons

 Cut the paper bag so it fits around the box, decorate and tape on. Really could it be any easier.

Go on with your crafty selves :-)


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