Potty Training. A month later.

The sweetest words I hear lately are “Mom I have to poop.” Seriously, is there anything better coming from a newly 3 year old a month after potty training palooza?

I am in the kitchen and he walks in from playing outside. States he has to poop, opens the door to the bathroom, hops up on the potty, and goes. Just goes. All by himself.

All by himself.

This morning I was awoken at 5am ish to the sounds of someone in the bathroom. I could hear the step stool being pulled across the floor. I thought, “No way!”

I got up and sure enough there is my tired little baby peeing on the potty. I helped him pull up his pajamas and get down off the stool. I whispered “Great job buddy. Back to bed.” And off he went.

Off he went.

big boy underpants potty training

I’ve been thinking a lot about potty training recently, strange I know. I realized I think I have this shit down (pun intended).

There is a moment as a parent when you realize that you know stuff. Like you don’t need to consult a book, or a friend, or your mother, or your grandmother.

You got this.

You know this.

You’ve had [insert number of kids here] kids! Life has taught you things and you are now the expert.

Maybe for you it is teaching kids to read – I was not patient enough for it. Thank god for Ms. McMahon! Maybe it’s bike riding. Maybe it’s gentle discipline (If so, I need to talk to you). Whatever it is, at some point in your parenting career you have thought to yourself “I got this!”

So in my mothering life I have come to realize that I am a bit of a potty whisperer. It’s not glamorous I know. Truth be told it’s a little odd. However I feel like I should share my method. I mean don’t you think there are parents out there who would like to get their kids to the scenes above in one month! Who wouldn’t right?

I know stuff!

I’ve been thinking that I might write a little ebook on the subject. Make a little shoe money for myself. Stash it away in a coffee container like Nana did. (True story: after my Nana died my parents found random amounts of money stashed around her house. In purses. In envelopes. In coffee cans. You know, just in case.)

Soooo… I might need your help. I’d like to hear about your potty training trials and tribulations? What worked for you? What didn’t?What was your child’s experience like? What was YOUR experience like?

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  1. Justine /

    So Ruby pretty much potty trained herself at 2. No stickers, no rewards, just happened. Now with Reid who is almost 3 (In October) when I ask him if he can let me know when he has to say ‘poop’ he says, “No thank you mommy.” At least he is polite.

    But how do I get the ball rolling? Currently all he does is a little pee on the toilet right before bath time. He has no interest at all, or maybe I have no idea how to do this because I have never really had to get into it as the first child was a breeze!
    Thanks in advance :-)
    P.S. Love your writing mama!

    • ViolaCay /

      I love that – No thank you mommy! That is amazing that Ruby trained herself. I think she is destined for greatness!

      I have an outline for my ebook. Maybe I’ll send it to you and you and Reid can be test subjects ;-)

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